Editorial: US vs. CCP: a three-step guide|Apple Daily HK

蘋果日報 2020/11/26 10:13

by Fong Yuen
The hostility between the U.S. and China has been set. In just half a year, the global situation has undergone complete alterations. Looking back, it is almost impossible to believe that within such a short time, history would have had such a dramatic turn.
Rome was not built in one day. The acute conflicts between the U.S. and China have been brewing underground for quite some time. In the past, the U.S. had unrealistic imagination toward the CCP’s reform and opening up, and therefore had been tolerating and lenient towards its evil deeds. It opened up all kinds of convenience for the CCP, and even left the door wide open for the CCP’s wanton infiltration. It was not until Trump came to power when he began mitigating the situation. As the Wuhan virus rages on, and as the world suffers great losses of lives and properties, the U.S. is finally waking up and has begun to take actions.
The U.S. counterattack against the CCP has started to and will happen in three stages: first is to sever the black hands, a thorough expulsion of the CCP’s infiltration; second is divide and conquer to create a form of containment; third is to create conditions to promote great changes within the CCP.
Trump’s firmness in the U.S.-Sino negotiations has forced the CCP to give in. That was the first step to remove the U.S. from an unfavorable position. It was then followed by a number of measures to stop the CCP from stealing technology, to ban Confucius Institutes, to impose reciprocal restrictions on diplomats, prosecute spies, strictly investigate the transfer of interests of academic departments, and to reject a large number of Chinese students from studying in the U.S. The direction of public opinion in the U.S. has thus been greatly altered.
Suddenly, the government’s strict control and civil vigilance have hugely constricted the activities of the CCP. The visible and hidden counterattacks have abolished the CCP’s united front and spy tactics. Seeing the downturn, the CCP has no option but to halt its all-pervasive infiltration and summon some of its people back to the country, greatly reducing the intensity of its activities in the U.S.
Internal conflicts must be dealt with before moving onto external enemies. This has always been a strategy adopted by the U.S. Only by clearing internal issues can one focus on its external efforts. This is step one in the U.S. confrontation with the CCP.
The U.S. knows very well that the CCP’s ambition of global expansion will never change, therefore it has instigated a global-scale containment strategy. Secretary of State Pompeo paid visits to various countries which are not just the powerful ones in the European Union and Japan, but also smaller to medium0sized countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East for all-around advocacy work. Describing and illustrating the threats posed by the CCP to the democratic world, the response has been overwhelming. So far, the Five Eyes Alliance has been clear with its attitude. Japan, India, and Australia are forming a small Asian NATO. ASEAN countries are united on their advances and retreats with regard to the South China Sea issues. Even the E.U. has set aside its previous appeasement position and is ready to work together with the U.S.
In addition, sanctions on Huawei, the military, and other key enterprises have objectively caused the decoupling of high-tech and national defense, which is also an important strategy in achieving a comprehensive containment.
The global besiegement situation is based on the shared values of the Western world, on the common interests of geopolitics, as well as on the hopes and expectations of the future of the world. Although the besiegement has to be taken one step at a time, and is still in progress, it is in the long course of world history a surprisingly fast process. The whole world is aware of what the CCP has done, and what this will ultimately lead to.
This is step two in the U.S. confrontation with the CCP.
The goal of the U.S. government is, of course, not just to contain the CCP. The U.S. is well aware of the CCP’s global ambitions, and its historical responsibility to “liberate all mankind,” which is why no matter what kind of perils the CCP finds itself in, it will never give up the “great ambition” of swallowing the U.S.
As such, the U.S. must commit to creating conditions to promote internal changes within the CCP. Since last year, the U.S. has been supporting Hongkongers’ resistance, and has passed a number of bills involving Hong Kong in both the House and the Senate. The U.S. has also committed itself to elevate Taiwan’s international status within a short period of time. It has sent high-ranking officials to visit Taiwan, sold advanced weapons to Taiwan, and even refused to recognize Taiwan as a part of China. These have been aiming directly at the CCP’s Achilles’ heel.
Moreover, through passing a bill to protect human rights in Xinjiang, and supporting the struggles of ethnic minorities in Tibet and Inner Mongolia, the U.S. has been hard at work to shatter the CCP’s network firewall to allow Chinese people to understand what is happening in the world, and hence develop a better understanding of their own country, to expose the CCP’s brainwashing lies, in order to promote great changes within the mainland society.
The Chinese Communist Party has been the greatest threat to the democratic society, a consensus which has been developed by the world. As long as the CCP exists, the U.S. and the Western world will never have peace. It will be the Chinese people who wake up and solve the problem of the CCP’s dictatorship in the end.
This is step three in the U.S. confrontation with the CCP.
First to expel, next to contain, then to promote changes. If Trump was re-elected, the steps would follow accordingly; when Biden takes over, the first two steps would be done, and as for the third, we will all wait and see.
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